Wednesday, February 16, 2011

How to clean blocked sink.

Does your sink is blocked?.Dont get panic,

Here are the few easy steps which you can follow to clean the blocked sink.
1)Clear the 90% of the sink water manually using mug or tumbler or watever.
2)Then Get the Drainx powder available in all the Hypermarkets, Bigbazars & in all leading shops.
3)Draix, melts the blocked items like hairs, vegetables etc. into liquid, it doesn't harm plastic no need to worry.
4)slowly empty the entire drainex packet over the blocked area & leave it for few minutes.
5)Observe the change after 15 to 20 min..
6)The entire blocked content get melted to liquid, water in your sink flow seamlessly
7)Clean your kitchen now proceed the work :)

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