Saturday, July 2, 2011

Google+ at its best.

Facebook killer Google plus Review, Google+ next generation social networking. Google+ trail version, Google plus one place to hangout with your friends, Google plus features like Circles, Hangouts,Sparks, Google plus review, Google plus user interface, Google plus advantages,similar features of Google plus and Facebook, Google plus share photos from Picasa & much more.Google plus video, How to use Google plus,Google plus demo,Google plus Gtalk & video chat.How to sign up for Google plus without invitations,How to send invitations from Google plus, Google plus themes. look & feel of Google plus

Google has introduced trail version of the new social networking site i.e Google+, here we shall see its features,uniqueness,User interface & advantages over Facebook.

Google Plus Terminologies:
Stream,Spark,Hang out,Circles.

In order to enjoy Google plus, you should have Gmail/Google account,  then go to this link

If you are lucky, you will be able to signup with out  invitation else you'll get a message saying,

"Google+ is in limited Field Trial At the moment, we're testing with a small number of people, but it won't be  long before the Google+ project is ready for everyone. Leave us your email address and we'll make sure that you're the first to know when we're ready to invite more people."

So,you are no longer accessible to Google + without invitations. ask your friend or Google to send invitation by dropping your Gmail address.

After sign up , you will get a beautiful home screen like this.
    [Google+ Home screen]

Home screen of Google+ is very clean & simple in its white theme,you may find some of the features similar to Facebook but the functionality is quite different in some features.  

In stream, you can share the text,photo,images,location with only your circle or with entire group of friends but in Facebook wall you don't have option of sharing only with your Circle.

One plus point in Google plus is,Streams can be categorized based on your circles. In one click on your home page you can see streams only from your close friends,family friends,stream from your followers etc but this feature is missing in Facebook.

With Sparks you will get the latest updates & news about the topic.Once you click on spark you will get several topics like Microsoft,Android,Google  etc & you can add them to your spark list and get the latest update in one click. In simple words you call this feature as RSS Feeds.

                                                      [Google+ Sparks screen]

In left side of your home page you can find Google talk.

Hang out is one major feature which is present at the right side of your Google+ home page, which can attract many people, here you can do video chat with your Circle Eg: Friends circle, Family circle.

                                                       [Google+ Hang out screen]

In Photos Tab, you will see a set of photos from from your Circles.also you can share photos with your circles. You can connect your Google plus account with Picasa,
there are several options provided in photos tab like, photos from your phone,photos of you, photos of your Picasa album.

                                                            [Google+ Photo album screen]

Coming to the profile tab, It will give you clear view of your posts,videos, buzz, +1's  etc..

      [Google+ User profile screen]

Coming to Circle, you may feel different, here what Google plus play major role compare to Facebook.
you can build your own customized circle with set of friends and use, however by default Google has provided default cirlces like Friends, Family etc...

      [Google+ Circle screen]

You can add contacts to your own desired group and can communicate, share,chat etc... with this you can achieve more privacy.. which you will not get in Facebook.

Once you connect to Google Plus, Your name will be updated as "+Yourname" in the Google tool bar,also you will be able to see notifications of your Google+ irrespective of the Google service you use.

       [Google+ Notification in all the Google services]

You will get an invitation from Google or ask your friend who is having Google plus account to send invitation.

Do you like Google+?, Please share your feedback.

Have a look at Google+ Video

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